
Recipes for Refreshing Cannabis Infused Summer Drinks

Ready for summer BBQs and potlucks? Enjoy some refreshing drinks as you soak up the sun and impress your friends and neighbors. We’re sharing a couple of our favorite recipes that are delicious on their own but can easily be infused with cannabis. The great thing about making these infused drinks at home is that in terms of THC potency, you can make them as strong or as weak as you like. Just remember to label any leftovers before you stick them in the fridge- especially if you share your living space with others!

Blueberry Basil Lemonade

This recipe is something our graphic designer has been making for years and we just can’t get enough. From the taste to the color, everything about it feels bright and right. This stash-worthy recipe can be made using Swifts Infused Honey in place of regular honey. Feel free to adjust amounts in order to achieve your desired THC effects. This recipe is best with freshly squeezed lemon juice. That might seem like a lot of work, so if you aren’t feeling it then you could make a half-batch, but you’ll probably regret it later when it’s gone!

What you’ll need:

A large glass, plastic, metal container or bucket (big enough to hold 10 cups of liquid)

A blender (any type)

1/2 pint of blueberries

a large handful of basil leaves (about 15)

2 c fresh lemon juice (about 16 medium lemons)

1/2 c honey (any combination of regular & infused honey such as Swifts Cannabees Honey)

10 c water

How to do it: 

  1. Beat up and bruise the basil leaves a little bit – it helps their flavors infuse the water. Fill your container with 10 cups of water and add the basil leaves and blueberries. Stick a cover over the top (a paper towel or a cheesecloth with a rubber band also works fine) and leave it out in the sun for 6+ hours to infuse.
  2. Remove the basil, transfer the water and blueberries to a blender, and rile everything up until the blueberries are broken down into little bits. The basil can be saved and thrown into pasta or on top of your pizza if you plan on using it in the next day or so.
  3. Place a mesh strainer over your original container and pour the liquid from the blender through it so that any chunks that might end up in between your teeth will be removed.
  4. Add the lemon juice.
  5. In a separate container, measure out your honey and pour two cups of hot water over top. Mix until the honey is dissolved. Taste and adjust sweetness to your personal preference.
  6. Add the dissolved honey mixture into the container with the rest of the ingredients.

To enjoy this right away, pour it over ice. Otherwise, stick it in the fridge to chill until you are ready to drink.


Agua de Jamaica

If making a big ol’ batch of something seems like too large of a commitment, perhaps this single-serving recipe for iced herbal hibiscus tea is more up your alley. This simple vitamin C packed recipe takes only a few minutes to make and is sure to please your taste buds. It’s extra good enjoyed with some tacos on a warm summer night.

What you’ll need:

2 heaping tbsp of dried hibiscus flower (or 2 hibiscus tea bags)

6 oz boiling water

Swifts Cannabees Honey (to taste)

fresh mint (optional)

a chilled cup filled with ice

How to do it:

Steep the hibiscus flower in boiling water for 3-5 minutes. Strain out the tea leaves, and while it’s still warm, stir in the honey to match your preferred taste and potency. Chill overnight if desired, or let cool for 15 mins on the counter before pouring directly over ice in your chilled glass. Stir well, garnish with a mint leaf, and enjoy!


Infused Thai Iced Tea

Another one of our favorite single-serving recipes that hits the spot when you need a sweet creamy treat on a hot day. Or, make it for dessert to help you unwind!

What you’ll need:

2 tbsp (or 2 bags) vanilla black tea*

8 oz boiling water

1 tbsp honey (or infused honey such as Swifts 5:1 CBD Honey)

1 tbsp condensed milk

1 tbsp evaporated or coconut milk

a chilled cup filled with ice

*vanilla extract- if you can’t find vanilla black tea, you can add 1/4 tsp of vanilla extract to your mug.

How to do it: 

Steep the black tea in boiling water for 3-5 mins. Strain out the loose tea or remove the bags. While the tea is still warm, stir in the remaining ingredients. Chill overnight if desired, or pour warm tea directly over ice in a chilled glass and stir well. Enjoy!